Digital Retouching: High End, Creative, & Visualization From straight forward retouching/finishing to constructing more elaborate digital environments for your story, campaign, or promotional party for presidency. Graft Digital offers digital retouching & visualization to help transform, enhance, and illustrate visual realities. Graft Digital does not typically participate in promoting the existence of older urban legends, though it is open to assisting in the creation of new ones. Services include: – Creative Retouching for realizing raw concepts into finished scenes and digital environments. – Retouching / finishing for high end fashion, still life, food, sports, and environments for print, editorial, packaging, web, and video for advertising campaigns. – Art Direction – Background / Scene Design – Color Correcting – Color Treatments for stories – Compositing A little more about Graft Digital: My name is Kevin Medal. Graft Digital is currently my ongoing freelance retouching and digital post production work. Throughout the years I’ve had the opportunity and pleasure of working with many talented photographers, artists, retouchers, and agencies, soaking in a wealth of skills good along the way.After studying painting at the Cooper Union in NYC, I soon fell in love with all things digital after discovering the potential to experiment with analogue concepts in a digital framework. By now, the boundaries of digital retouching and design have become increasingly blurred. Some of the work on this site may exemplify and be moving in this direction. For me, digital retouching has provided a foundational structure on which I’ve been able to build my own creative pursuits upon while providing a bridge to other disciplines(2d, 3d, video) and enabling work collaborations with creatives from everywher
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